Categoria: Volume 75 - Janeiro/Junho de 2012
Páginas: 10
Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2012
Link: Link Download
Acessos: 1298
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Escrito por Editor

Comparing the performance  of elderly and alzheimer patients in the maze  test



Comparação do desempenho  de idosos e pacientes com Alzheimer no teste do labirinto



Marcelo  henrique alves ferreira  da  silva1, damião  ernane  de  souza1, luciana protásio de  melo2, tania

Fernandes campos3*




Objective:  to compare  the performance of elderly and  alzheimer patients in the maze  test and  determine the cut-off point for cognitive screening. Methods: the study included 40  young, 40  elderly and  18  patients with alzheimers disease.  A maze  test was  applied  where  there were  6 different solution paths.  The data  were analyzed  by anova  and  roc curves. Results:  alzheimer patients spent more time (46843 ± 37926 ms) to execute the test than healthy young (5482 ± 2873 ms; p=  0.0001) and  elderly (17978 ± 13700; p=

0.0001). The analysis indicated 72% accuracy  of the maze execution time for young and elderly and 36% for healthy and  patients elderly with 75% sensibility and  61% specificity in 13575 ms. Conclusions:  according to the results maze test showed a good  accuracy  in cognitive screening and discriminated changes  caused  by aging and alzheimers disease.


Key words: aged, aging,  alzheimer disease,  cognition, executive function.



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