Categoria: Volume 74 - Abril/Junho de 2011
Páginas: 6
Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2011
Link: Link Download
Acessos: 2618
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Escrito por Editor

Mastication: Physiology and Development  Aspects


Mastigação:  Aspectos da Fisiologia e do




Caroline Vieira de Lucena(1), Hilton Justino da Silva(2)




The stomatognathic  system comprises a set of structures that perform various functions. The mastication is the most important function of this morphofunctional  system, since its contribution to growth, development  and maintenance of osteodental  arcs  and  the  craniofacial  complex.  To understand  aspects  of physiology and development of masticatory function contributes to the use of therapeutic  strategies in diseases that affect the stomatognathic  system. The aim of this study was to make a literature review about  the aspects of physiology and the development of masticatory function. For this, we carried out a literature in major scientific databases as well as books, theses and  dissertations that deal with the matter. During the search  in the databases, the following uniterms were used  which were also  used  as  keywords: stomatognathic  system, stomatognathic functions; mastication; physiology, and development.


Keywords: stomatognathic  system, mastication, physiology, development.





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