Categoria: Volume 74 - Abril/Junho de 2011
Páginas: 10
Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2011
Link: Link Download
Acessos: 1543
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Escrito por Editor

Interação Mãe e Bebê Cego: Aquisição e

Desenvolvimento de Linguagem



Mother and Blind Baby Interaction: Acquisition and

Development of Language



Wanessa  Fernandes Moura da Silva1, João Ricardo Mendes de Oliveira*2, Wanilda Maria Alves Cavalcanti3





Background: The blind Baby often does not have the possibility to carry through interactive exchanges  in the same  way than  the Baby with healthy vision, since it is unable  to use one  of the most important  sensorial channels,  compromising the early process of language development and acquisition. The research  about  this topic is rare in Brazil, especially involving the first months of life. Therefore, the present study had the objective to investigate the preliminary interactions between the blind Baby and  the mother together  with the possible repercussions  of the  blindness  in the  acquisition  and  development  of language. Methodology   The study describes a longitudinal and  qualitative evaluation through films registers with duration of 20  min and  in an observational  protocol,  comparing  the interaction  of one  congenital  blind Baby without multiple deficiency and  his Mother, comparatively with another  Mother and  Baby without ophthalmological  impairment, looking for possible  differences in language performance,  both  with sixteen months.  Conclusion: We can  identify differences between the babies  and  the blind Baby acts on the environment and with the Mother in a more restricted pattern when compared  to the other Child.

Key-words: blindness, language, mother-Baby, Speech Therapy





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