Brazilian teachers from Jaboatão dos Guararapes city have stress, sleep disorders and excessive sleepiness
- Categoria: Volume 77 - Julho/Dezembro de 2014
- Autor: Ítala Célly Bezerra de Farias, Renata de Melo Guerra Ribas, Maria Dione Monteiro de Siqueira da Silva, Aldineide Ferreira da Silva, Maria Márcia Barbosa de Santana, Ketlin Helenise dos Santos Ribas, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas, Valberto Ribeiro Ribas, Allison José dos Santos
- Páginas: 18
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2014
Brazilian teachers from Jaboatão dos Guararapes city have stress, sleep disorders and excessive sleepiness
Aldineide Ferreira da Silva1, Maria Dione Monteiro de Siqueira da Silva2, Renata de Melo Guerra Ribas3, Ítala Célly Bezerra de Farias4, Ketlin Helenise dos Santos Ribas5, Allison José dos Santos6, Valberto Ribeiro Ribas7, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas8, Maria Márcia Barbosa de Santana9, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas10*.
Some studies have demonstrated the presence of stress and sleep disorders in teachers. Sleep disorders can be facilitator of pathologies, such as breast cancer, diabetes and hypertension. The objective of this study was to evaluate teachers who work more than one shift the presence of stress, sleep disorders and excessive sleepiness.
395 Women Teachers were evaluated, being 96 teachers who work only one shift (CONTROL) and 299 teachers who work in more than one shift (T> 1T). The inventories of quality of life (QF-36), stress symptoms in adults from Lipp, a questionnaire containing 24 symptoms of sleep disorders and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were used. The data relating to quality of life, stress and sleep disorders were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test, expressed in percentages and the data related to excessive sleepiness by the Mann-Whitney test at MEDIAN (MIN - MAX), all p <0.05. T> 1T showed greater impairment in quality of life (64.88%) and healthcare (93.97%); predominantly psychological stress (51.17%) in the resistance (73.57%), the highest percentage in sleep disorders: snoring loudly (67.55%), restless sleep (66.55%), waking up with a headache (77.92%), irritability (89.96%), sweating hands (87.95% ) and the presence of excessive sleepiness 12 (10-15) compared to the respective CONTROLS (34.37%), (47.91), (19.79%) (31.25%) (10.14%) (33.33%) (20.83%) (27.08%) (32.29%) and 7 (5-8). This study found that T> 1T in Jaboatão Guararapes / PE present chronic stress with predominantly psychological, sleep disorders and excessive sleepiness.
Key words: Stress, sleep disturbances, excessive sleepiness.