The development of social dominance is affected by early protein malnutrition in rats.
- Categoria: Volume 73 - Abril/Junho de 2010
- Autor: Sebastião Sousa Almeida, Lucilla Maria Moreira Camargo
- Páginas: 10
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2010
The development of social dominance is affected by early protein malnutrition in rats.
Sebastião Sousa Almeida1* and Lucilla Maria Moreira Camargo2
Early protein malnutrition produces structural and functional alterations in the brain and changes the organism-environment interactions. Rats from 26 to 56 days of age were used to study the effects of early postnatal protein malnutrition on the development of social dominance. During lactation phase the litters were fed diet containing 16% protein (well-nourished) or 6% protein (malnourished). From weaning to the end of behavioral tests well-nourished animals were fed a commercial lab chow diet (well-nourished - W) and the malnourished rats were divided into 2 groups: one was maintained on 6% protein diet (malnourished - M) and the other was fed a commercial lab chow diet (previously malnourished - PM). Pairs of male rats of same diet conditions were tested, at different ages, for three consecutive days. During sessions the pinning behavior (an indicator of social dominance) was recorded. The results showed that both M and PM animals were less efficient to establish social dominance at earlier ages. As M and PM animals turn older they increased social dominance index indicating developmental retards.