Anatomical Study of the Main Sulci and Gyri of the Cebus Libidinosus Brain (Rylands, 2000)
- Categoria: Volume 73 - Abril/Junho de 2010
- Autor: Tales Alexandre Aversi- Ferreira, Jarbas Pereira-de-Paula, Yandra Cássia Lobato do Prado, Carlos Tomaz
- Páginas: 14
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2010
Anatomical Study of the Main Sulci and Gyri
of the Cebus Libidinosus Brain (Rylands, 2000)
Estudo Anatômico dos Principais Sulcos e Giros do
Cérebro de Cebus Libidinosus (Rylands, 2000)
Jarbas Pereira-de-Paula1,4; Yandra Cássia Lobato do Prado2,4; Carlos Tomaz3; Tales Alexandre Aversi- Ferreira4*
The purpose of this work was to study the brain of the Cebus genus in morphological terms to evidence the main gyri and sulci, the gyrenchepaly degree, the encephalization index and the measure of the main structures, to compare the results with literature data in humans, chimpanzees, baboons and others nonhuman primates. Four specimens of adult and healthy Cebus libidinosus were used. All animals, donated by IBAMA-GO, were sacrificed by lethal injection of sodium pentobarbital. The animals were conserved on
10% formaldehyde in closed opaque box and deposited in the anatomical collection from the Federal University of Goiás. Brains were removed from the skull, weighed and measured with a caliper and documented with digital camera. The gyri, sulci and other structures denomination were described according to descriptions from humans and other primates. In general, the results indicate that the morphology of the gyri and sulci of the C.l. brain is closer to baboons than to chimpanzees and humans.
KEYWORDS: anatomy, Cebus, brain, gyri and sulci