Effect of Lithium Upon Circadian Rhythm of Locomotor Activity in Gerbil Meriones ungiculatus: Gender Differences.
- Categoria: Volume 73 - Outubro/Dezembro de 2010
- Autor: Moreno-Sáenz Enrique, Miranda-Anaya Manuel, Durán Pilar, Juárez-Tapia Cinthia Rocío
- Páginas: 10
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2010
Effect of Lithium Upon Circadian Rhythm of Locomotor Activity in Gerbil Meriones ungiculatus: Gender Differences
Efeito do Litio sobre o Ritmo Circadiano na Atividade Locomotora do Gerbil Meriones unguiculatus: Diferenças Sexuais
Juárez-Tapia Cinthia Rocío, Miranda-Anaya Manuel, Moreno-Sáenz Enrique, Durán Pilar *
The effect of lithium on circadian rhythms has been studied to understand whether affective and bipolar disorders are related to disturbances on the circadian regulation. Some species of Gerbils (sand rat, Mongolian gerbil) have been proposed as a model to study mood disorders. The aim of the present work was to study the effects of chronically ingested lithium upon the structure of locomotor activity in male and female gerbils exposed to constant conditions as well as light/dark cycles; in order to understand if the free running period and activity levels and phase relationship with a light cycle is affected by chronic lithium chloride administration in water. Locomotor activity was recorded from individual gerbils, by means of running wheels coupled to infrared light beams in environmental controlled chambers. Results obtained indicate a lengthening of the free running period and activity phase in males, but an opposite effect in females until 20 days after beginning the ingest of LiCl, therefore its effects upon circadian free running period was different regarding the gender.
Key words: circadian, locomotor activity, Mongolian gerbil, lithium, gender.