Study of astrocytomas vasculature in the histochemical view: a systematic review.
- Categoria: Volume 73 - Outubro/Dezembro de 2010
- Autor: Livia Bandeira Costa, Nicodemos Teles de Pontes Filho, Anacássia Fonseca de Lima, Juliana Pedrosa de Holanda Marques, Roberto José Vieira de Mello, Luciano Tavares Montenegro, Ana Paula de Souza e Pinto
- Páginas: 8
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2010
O Estudo da vasculatura dos astrocitomas do ponto de vista histoquímico auxiliando na escolha terapêutica: uma revisão sistemática
Study of astrocytomas vasculature in the histochemical view: a systematic review
Ana Paula de Souza e Pinto1, Anacássia Fonseca de Lima1, Juliana Pedrosa de Holanda Marques1, Livia Bandeira Costa1, Roberto José Vieira de Mello1, Luciano Tavares Montenegro1, Nicodemos Teles de Pontes Filho1
CONTEXT: Angiogenesis is a prerequisite for tumor growth and expansion. Astrocytoma constitutes the main histological type among primary tumors of the central nervous system. Therefore, the study of angiogenesis in astrocytomas account for the vascular supply of this type of tumor. OBJECTIVE: Undertake a systematic review of articles demonstrating if angiogenesis in astrocytomas using immunohistochemistry can help in determining therapy. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review with a search in the databases LILACS, SciELO, PubMed / Medline and Old Medline and published between 1966 and 2009. For selection of the study the following criteria were considered: