Influence of poultry meat in triggering of migraine attacks.
- Categoria: Volume 74 - Janeiro/Março de 2011
- Autor: Luciano Ferreira de Holanda, Rafael Rodrigues Holanda, Benedito Jamilson Araújo Pereira
- Páginas: 6
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2011
Influência da carne aviária no desencadeamento das crises enxaquecosas
Influence of poultry meat in triggering of migraine attacks
Luciano Ferreira de Holanda1*, Rafael Rodrigues Holanda2 and Benedito Jamilson Araújo Pereira3
Headache in general, bring different burden to society, such as lost productivity and deterioration of quality of life. Among these, we highlight the migraines, for their wide range of symptoms associated with their reduced quality of life of those who suffer from it, so it has raised several surveys and studies to better understand the pathophysiology of this condition, and verify the factors that trigger the crisis. Through the clinical day-to-day practice, we see the close relationship between the ingestion of poultry meat and migraine attacks. The scope of this paper is to demonstrate this relationship, and thereby to instruct patients with this disease, as a caution in the ingestion of this kind of food.
Key Words: Food, Poultry, aura, headache.