Young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the 15-17 age group show a high level of auditory attention.
- Categoria: Volume 74 - Janeiro/Março de 2011
- Autor: Jeane Marta Guedes Aguiar, Rosângela Nieto de Albuquerque, Severino Marcos de Oliveira Carneiro, Raul Manhães de Castro, Diego Firmino dos Santos Costa, Luciano da Fonseca Lins, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas, Tereza Veronica dos Santos, Manoel Aldo da Silva
- Páginas: 12
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2011
Young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the 15-17 age group show a high level of auditory attention
Jovens com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) na faixa etária entre 15 e 17 anos apresentam um alto nível de atenção auditiva.
Jeane Marta Guedes Aguiar1*, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas2, Rosângela Nieto de Albuquerque3, Severino Marcos de Oliveira Carneiro4, Diego Firmino dos Santos Costa5, Manoel Aldo da Silva6, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas7, Tereza Veronica dos Santos8, Luciano da Fonseca Lins9, Raul Manhães de Castro10.
Young people with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are frequently labeled as problematic, undisciplined and agitated. The level of attention in 156 subjects in the 15-17 age group was evaluated in this work, being 40 young females without ADHD (CONTROLS 1), 40 young males without ADHD (CONTROLS 2), 39 young females with ADHD (FYo-ADHD) and 37 young males with ADHD (MYo-ADHD). The data were analyzed by ANOVA, p<0.05, expressed in mean ± SEM. MYo-ADHD presented reduced focused attention when compared to the FYo-ADHD and the Controls. MYo-ADHD and FYo-ADHD presented reduced sustained attention¸ mental manipulation and resistance to the interference when compared to the Controls. MYo-ADHD and FYo-ADHD presented increasedauditory attention compared to the Controls. Young males and females with ADHD present reduced focused and sustained attention, mental manipulation and resistance to the interference, but increased auditory attention.
Key Words: Young, attention, ADHD.