Brazilian educators of Quipapá/PE that work in three shifts present sleep disturbances.
- Categoria: Volume 74 - Janeiro/Março de 2011
- Autor: Severino Marcos de Oliveira Carneiro, Raul Manhães de Castro, Diego Firmino dos Santos Costa, Jose Marcos da Silva Dias, Cicera Maria da Silva Lins, Kelly Cristini Coelho de Moraes, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas, Allison José dos Santos, Maria José Alves da Silva
- Páginas: 14
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2011
Brazilian educators of Quipapá/PE that work in three shifts present sleep disturbances
Educadores Brasileiros de Quipapá/PE que trabalham em três turnos apresentam distúrbios do sono
Kelly Cristini Coelho de Moraes1* Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas2, Diego Firmino dos Santos Costa3, Allison José dos Santos4, Maria José Alves da Silva5, Cicera Maria da Silva Lins6, Jose Marcos da Silva Dias7,Valéria Ribeiro Ribas8, Severino Marcos de Oliveira Carneiro9, Raul Manhães de Castro10.
Some works have shown complaints about insomnia from teachers. Sleep disturbances can be facilitators of pathological processes as diabetes and hypertension. The non restorer sleep can bring consequences such as: irritability, fatigue, memory, concentration and attention deficit and still can be a cause of traffic accidents. The objective of this work was to study the presence of sleep disturbances and excessive sleepiness in Brazilian educators that work in 3 (three) shifts. 121 teachers of the municipal network of Quipapá/PE were assessed, being 39 subjects that just work in 1 shift, 42 in 2 shifts and 40 in 3 shifts. The subjects were submitted to evaluations by a questionnaire containing 24 symptoms of sleep disturbances and by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Teachers of the municipal network of Quipapá/PE that work in 3 shifts present a larger percentile of sleep disturbances, such as: snoring, respiratory pauses, waking up gasping, restless sleep, hypnagogic hallucinations, unpleasant sensation in the legs, movement of limbs, sleep-talking, sleepwalking, nightmares, to feel anxious, tachycardia, irritability, perspirations in the hands and the presence of excessive sleepiness.