Life quality of women that were victims of lethal and intentional violent crimes in 2006- 2009 period
- Categoria: Volume 77 - Janeiro/Junho de 2014
- Autor: Leila Maria Vieira de Medeiros, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas
- Páginas: 17
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Ano: 2014
Life quality of women that were victims of
Lethal and intentional violent crimes in 2006-2009 period
Leila Maria Vieira Medeiros1
& Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas2
The quality of life (QL) was evaluated in women that were victims of lethal and intentional violent crimes (CVLI) in Pernambuco in 2006-2009 period by the QL Inventory of Lipp and Rocha in the emotional, social,health quadrants and professional. The data were analyzed by the Chi-Square and Fisher’s exact tests with p<0.05, distributed in frequency and expressed in percentage. The participants were divided into two groups: women victims of violence (MVV, n=1290); not assaulted women (CONTROL, n=860). It was found that the MVV presented higher percentage in QL in the emotional quadrant (45.16%, p<0.0001*), when compared to the respective CONTROL (31.71%) and higher percentage of aggression performed by the partner between 2006 and 2009 (48.93%, p<0.05*), compared to the control groups: ex-partner (23.43%), lover (4.34%), boyfriend (3.7%), ex-boyfriend (2.21%) and neighbor (6.35%). It was still found higher percentage of aggression using a firearm (239.65%, p<0.05*), compared to cold weapons (85.83%), blunt instrument (43.27%), strangulation (13.16%), choke (6.6%), not informed instrument (6.56%), carbonized (2.57%) and others (2.07%); and higher percentage of passionate aggression (84.22%, p< 0.05), compared to futile reasons (30.77%), revenge (20.71%), drug traffic (25.18%), robbery (16.58%) and others (38.93%); the Metropolitan Region presents higher percentage of victimized women (123.09%, p<0.05), compared to the Capital (91.95%), Mata (53.15%), Agreste (72.59%) and Sertão (59.24%). Therefore, it was found in this study that the MVV presented damage in QL regarding the emotional state and higher percentage of aggression perpetrated by the partner, using a firearm, because of passionate reason with higher frequency in the Metropolitan Region.
Keywords: Quality of life. Lethal and Intentional Violent Crimes (CVLI). Victimized women.