Alodinia em pacientes com migrânea no período intercrítico
- Categoria: Volume 75 - Julho/Dezembro de 2012
- Autor: Elder Machado Leite, Hugo André de Lima Martins, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas, Marcelo Moraes Valença
- Páginas: 9
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2012
Allodynia in migraine patients during inter critical period
Alodinia em pacientes com migrânea no período intercrítico
Elder Machado Leite1*; Hugo André de Lima Martins2; Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas3, Marcelo Moraes Valença4
Allodynia can be defined as the painful sensation due to non-painful stimuli, and is highly prevalent between primary headache patients. The migraine patients represent the second larger group of headache patients, second only to tension type headache ones, and the understanding of the pathophysiologic links between allodynia and this primary headache displays a more than relevant matter for clinical purposes. objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of allodynia complaints and allodynia in physical tests in migraine patients. Methodology: 31 patients were evaluated by the same neurologist from January to March 2012, in the 19-46 age group, 8 migraine with no aura (MNA) patients (7 females and 1 male), and 23 migraine with aura (MWA) patients (22 female and 1 male), according to the International Headache Society (IHS) criteria, published in 2004. PROCEFALEIA and allodynia questionnaires were used to evaluate prevalence of allodynia complaints in 31 migraine patients. Each patient underwent a complete physical and neurological examination. a SEMMES monofilament (10 g/cm2), a glass tube containing water at 10°C and at 50°C to the dermatomes V1,V2 and V3 of trigeminal nerve, right and left, and C5, C6, L3 and L5, also right and left. We used the Fisher exact test were still used to evaluate allodynia. There was a significant prevalence of allodynia in migraine patients (38%).