Influence of electromagnetic field 60Hz on the explicit and implicit memory development in mice
- Categoria: Volume 74 - Abril/Junho de 2011
- Autor: Peixoto, A. M. , Peixoto, L. R. T. , Euclides Maurício Trindade Filho
- Páginas: 8
- Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
- ISSN: 1807-9865
- Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
- Ano: 2011
Influence of electromagnetic field 60Hz on the explicit and implicit memory development in mice
Peixoto, L. R. T. 1, Trindade Filho, E. M.2, Peixoto, A. M. 1*
Electric and magnetic fields reportedly can affect memory. A population of 12 newborn mice was exposed to daily 8h exposure to 60Hz EMF with 0.3 mT flow density during 20 days. After 40 days were applied Morris maze along 3 days. As a result, changes classic maze, evidenced a reduction of memory retention at the 3rd day of tests, when compared to control groups. This finding lead us to suggest that implicit memory suffer can be reduced after EMF irradiation during a developmental phase of newborn mice nervous system.
Key Words: Memory, mice, EMF, magnetic field, 60Hz.
The electromagnetic radiations are clas- sically known as energy fields characterized by simultaneous magnetic and electric components, perpendicular to each and moving at a constant speed of 300.000Km/s. They can propagate by waves of extremely low frequency, static and radiofrequency waves, microwaves, visible and ultraviolet infrared radiation (Elbern, 2003).