Categoria: Volume 75 - Julho/Dezembro de 2012
Páginas: 10
Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2012
Link: Link Download
Acessos: 2238
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Escrito por Editor

Prognosis factors and Patient´s satisfaction in carpal tunnel syndrome after surgical median nerve decompression



Fatores prognósticos e satisfação do paciente na síndrome do túnel do carpo após descompressão cirúrgica do nervo mediano



Daniella Araújo de Oliveira1, Ana Cláudia de Carvalho Vieira1,2, Marcelo Moraes Valença1* 





Objective:   To identify factors associated  with patient satisfaction after the decompression  of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel. methods: This study was conducted in 52  patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) who underwent surgery for median nerve decompression.  The patients were distributed into two groups in relation to the degree  of satisfaction with surgical outcome.  results: The dissatisfied group was younger (p=0.0005) and also showed a higher body mass index (p=0.0028) and preoperative intensity of pain (p=0.0168) compared to the satisfied group. Satisfaction with surgical outcome increased  with age  (p=0.0181) and  decreases with obesity (p=0.0069) and when motor distal latency was greater than 4 ms (p=0.0342). conclusions: Patients with CTS who are  older, have a longer preoperative  motor distal latency and  are  not obese have a greater chance  of satisfaction after median nerve decompression.


Keywords: carpal  tunnel syndrome, surgery, body  mass index, prognosis,  median  nerve, neural conduction,

treatment outcome.







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