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Attention functioning in female students group with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Adhd)



Níveis de funcionamento de atenção em estudantes do gênero feminino com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH)



Isabela de  Andrade  Albuquerque1, Waldyr José Siqueira3, Elizabete Elias de  Albuquerque4, Allison José dos Santos5, Denise Marinho Gila6, Rosângela Nieto de Albuquerque7, Valéria Ribeiro Ribas8, Luciano da Fonseca Lins9, Camila Cordeiro dos Santos10, Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas2*. 



The attention was  evaluated  in 16  female children in the 10-12 age  group,  being  6  with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) of a private school in Recife-PE. The subjects were divided in 2  groups.  Girls without ADHD, CONTROLS, n=10  and girls with ADHD, n=10. The evaluations of attention were made by the Digit Symbol, d2,  Span of digits in direct order tests. Data analyzed  by the Mann-Whitney test, represented with Median (Minimum and Maximum) with p<0.05. The girls with ADHD presented focus of attention, 28  (MIN=27 and  MAX=29) and  sustained attention 248 (MIN=243 and  MAX=252) reduced,  when  compared  to their respective Controls group, 39  (MIN=9 and MAX=50) and 344.7 (MIN=335 and MAX=350, p<0.05). Girls with ADHD presented  an increase  in the auditory attention level, Median=10 (MIN=9 and  MAX=11), when compared  to the CONTROL group, Median=8 (MIN=6 and MAX=11, p<0.05). The boys with ADHD present focus and sustained attention reduced  and increased  auditory attention.


Key words: focus of attention, auditory attention, ADHD.



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