Categoria: Volume 74 - Julho/Dezembro de 2011
Páginas: 2
Preço: Faça o cadastro para download
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2011
Link: Link Download
Acessos: 5967
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Escrito por Editor


Neurobiologia, 74(3-4) jul./dez., 2011



Editorial                                                                       7

Sobre  o  conceito  de  doença mental.  Sougey,  E.B. UFPE.



Original Article                                                           9

1  – A pilot analysis  for populational  distribution of the 5-httlpr polymorphism compared  to a geographic database of subjective perception of happiness. Queiroz,  R.C., Souza,  M.B.R. and  Oliveira,  J.R.M. UFPE and LIKA/UFPE.



Original Article                                                        15

2 – Sleep quality and stress: gender  differences. Mesquita,   G.,   Soares,   E.A.,  Graciano,  M.M.C., Silva,  P.C.S.,   Andrade,   C.U.B.   and   Reimão,  R. FMUSP and UNIFENAS.



Original Article                                                        23

3   Nursing  as  a stressful profession:  a validation study among  nursing managers  in a public hospital. Martins, V.F., Ferreira, V.M., Carvalho, I.D., Monteiro, P.S. and Guilhem, D.B. UNB.



Original Article                                                        37

  Emotional reactions  of  children  subjected   to dental  procedures.  Reis, J.R., Miziara,  R.F., Toledo, O.A. and Ferreira, V.M.M. UNB.



Original Article                                                        47

5   Different levels of  anxiety  and   depression  in air traffic controllers. Ribas, V.R., Creder, T.R.A., Sobrinho,  T.K.C.,  Siebra,  G.B.A.,  Leite, M.Z.M.B, Medeiros, L.M.V., Santos, T.V., Cavalcante, T.E., Vasconcelos, C.A.C.,  Sougey, E.B. and Castro, R.M. UFPE, CINDACTA  III and FAINTVISA.

Original Article                                                        59

6   –  Estrogenic  modulation  in  insulin secretion  of pancreatic   isolated   islets  of  female   rats.   Severi, M.T.M., Silva, C.A. and Parizotto, N.A. UFSCAR.



Original Article                                                        67


7  – Cognitive impairment assessed  with Tower  Test in  multiple sclerosis.  A  multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study. Serrani, D. National University of Rosario – Argentina.



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