Categoria: Volume 77 - Janeiro/Junho de 2014
Páginas: 16
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2014
Link: Link
Acessos: 762
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Escrito por Editor


Violence against women: (re) learning new




Leila Maria Vieira Medeiros1 

& Valdenilson Ribeiro Ribas2                                                                                                                                                                    





Nowadays, violence against women seems to be related to questions, which are associated to public health and to the violation of Human Rights. Its simplest form can be performed by relatives, parents, friends or intimate partners, generating, perhaps, implications in the integral development of women in society. The objective in this study was to verify in the literature the violence against women, taking as basis the (re) learning from the Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/06). For the study development, the bibliography  revision was carried out using the bases of electronic data basis of Scielo and Journals of CAPES. Categories of descriptors were applied, such as Violence; Lei Maria da Penha, including works published from 1995 to 2012. In this bibliography revision, it was proved that violence against women has been built from relations resulting from inequality between men and women, enabling the aggressive aspects, such as physical, psychological  and sexual violence. Due to this inequality, the phenomenon has been presented with great frequency in the private sector and, especially,  in the marital experience,  having its amplitude underestimated. This seems to be a result of the submissive condition that the woman, possibly, occupies in society.

Key words: Women violence; Lei Maria da Penha; New paradigms.



Violência contra a mulher: (re) aprendendo novos paradigmas





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