Categoria: Volume 77 - Janeiro/Junho de 2014
Páginas: 11
ISSN: 1807-9865
Biblioteca: Neurobiologia
Ano: 2014
Link: Link
Acessos: 690
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Escrito por Editor


Systematic review of passion fruit (passiflora incarnata) anxiolytic effects in clinical Studies



Janilson Avelino da Silva1*, Jandilson Avelino da Silva2, Vanessa Resende de Luna3, Caliandra Maria Bezerra Luna Lima4, Liana Clébia Soares Lima de Morais5.                                                                                            





Objective -   To gather current clinical  trials in the literature about  the passion  fruit (Passiflora  spp.) use in the treatment of anxiety reduction due to its possible psychopharmacological  effect. MethOds -  We performed a systematic search in MEDLINE/PubMed and PsycINFO electronic indexing databases in which three articles were selected. results -  The results reflected in the reduction of anxiety scores obtained by psychometric scales due to passion  fruit use, thereby demonstrating its effectiveness.Studies  on this review focused on the quantity control of tri-substituted benzoflavone (BZF) in the experimental substance, which was seen as effector in anxiety. cOnclusiOn -  It was evident that studies conducted  in humans by investigating the effects of passion  fruit on anxiety are scarce,  despite the long history of its use by individuals.

Key wOrds: Passion fruit, Passiflora incarnata, anxiety, treatment, systematic review.



Revisão sistemática dos efeitos ansiolíticos do maracujá (Passiflora incarnata) em estudos clínicos





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